Mold FAQ
1. Stop the water source.
— Fix or repair roof and flashing around doors, windows, and wall openings.
— Repair plumbing leaks.
— Confirm the building structure has sufficient ventilation.
— Check downspouts, gutters, flashing, and drainage pitch surrounding the building to ensure runoff is diverted away from the foundation.
— Install drainage systems in water-prone basement areas.
— In high-humid areas of the building, install self-draining dehumidifiers to maintain indoor humidity between 40-60%.
Controlling the water and moisture entering the building is the most critical factor to prevent mold growth.2. When in doubt, throw it out.
NOTE: Wear proper respiratory and contact protections before initiating any cleanup efforts.— Throw out any mold-impacted, porous materials that have been wet for more than 48-hours, including carpeting and carpet padding.
— Throw out any porous materials with evidence of repeated water damage or visible mold growth.
— Throw out any porous items or materials that cannot be washed and dried on high heat. (examples: ceiling tiles, upholstery, insulation, leather, paper)3. Clean and Seal.
NOTE: Wear proper respiratory and contact protections before initiating any cleanup efforts.
— Install an air barrier containment and establish negative air, if possible, to isolate the area and prevent cross contamination.
— Seal any HVAC system vents.
— Bag, seal, and then wash clothing and material in hot water, with bleach if possible, and dry on high heat.
— Using a HEPA-rated appliance, vacuum all surfaces to help remove surface growth.
— Wipe all non-porous surfaces with a damp micro-cloth using water and diluted, mild dish soap (examples: Dawn, Ivory Liquid) or an antimicrobial treatment. Rinse and replace the damp cloth often.
— For small spot cleaning, homeowners with proper skin, eye, and respiratory protection can use a 10% bleach solution (approximately 1.5 cups bleach to 1 gallon water) to wipe surfaces that will not be damaged by bleach.
CAUTION: Bleach is highly corrosive. Refer to MSDS (Material Data Safety Sheet) before use.
— Allow all surfaces to dry completely
— Maintain relative indoor humidity between 40%-60% at all times.
— HEPA vacuum all surfaces again to remove residual spores.
— Encapsulate porous structures (wood, stone, concrete) with a sealant, as necessary.
— When significant mold contamination is likely, consult an HVAC professional to determine if heating and cooling ducts should be replaced or professional cleaned and treated.4. Prevent re-infiltration of any water or moisture.
Controlling moisture in your home is the most important factor in preventing Mold growth. The critical first step to controlling moisture is to eliminate the source. High indoor humidity, plumbing leaks, insufficient ventilation, and improper exterior drainage are four major sources of indoor moisture problems.
Two simple ways to identify if you have a mold problem:
1. Sight: Do you see any discoloration or water damage?
2. Smell: Are there any damp or musty odors?
If you see mold growth or smell a musty odor, you should evaluate the possibility of a mold exposure problem. If you experience allergy-like symptoms or worsening of health issues after water infiltration to a structure where you spend a lot of time, you should evaluate the possibility of a mold exposure problem.
The most significant factor affecting mold-related indoor air quality is water and humidity. According to the Environmental Protection Agency “one-third to one-half of all structures have damp conditions that may encourage the development of pollutants such as molds and bacteria.” The variety and inconsistency in color and appearance of molds make it difficult to distinguish one type from another and hinder visual identification of potentially hazardous ones. In addition, many are not visible but concealed within carpets, HVAC systems/air ducts, walls, ceilings and construction and furniture materials.
EMG uses standards and sampling methods recognized by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), World Health Organization (WHO), and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
No, and yes. Many factors determine the severity and categorization of a mold problem including the type of mold present, the concentration of airborne spores, and the duration of exposure. Primarily, health complications occur from inhalation and contact with live, toxic mold spores but people can experience allergic reactions to any mold and even to dead mold. Toxic molds and their by-products most often cause health affects from allergic reactions, cold and flu-like symptoms to chronic illnesses. In susceptible people like the young, old, chronically ill, or immunocompromised, mold can trigger a severe health crisis.
You can think of mold on a graduating scale with the following categories:
Very low concentrations of non-toxic mold that cause no harm or ill-effects to occupants.
Small areas of non-toxic mold growth with low-spore concentrations found in bathroom shower stalls, or normally wet areas. If disturbed and exposure occurs, an individual may notice some sneezing or skin irritation. Due to lower concentration, limited exposure, or both, they typically cause no noticeable, prolonged health effects.
High concentrations of non-toxic mold that can cause significant negative health effects including prolonged allergy symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, red eyes), headache, skin irritation, and/or worsening of health conditions such as asthma or other breathing conditions. Allergic reactions to mold are common particular with prolonged exposure and for any individual with health and/or immune challenges. There is a myriad of symptoms associated with nontoxic molds when there is significant and/or prolonged exposure. It is unclear why there is such variation among individuals in regard to reactions and severity of health effects.
Significant levels of known myotoxin-producing organism such as Stachybotrys, Chaetomium, and Penicillium/Aspergillus. These molds produce toxins that are poisonous, cause known harmful health effects, and must be avoided by all individuals.
Note: Prolonged exposure by anyone to toxic molds can be life threatening. If you experience health symptoms, consult your physician about when, how, and for what period of time you think you were exposed.
º Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
º United Stated Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
º Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
º U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
º Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)