Environmental Consulting Philadelphia PA DE NJ

Have an environmental concern? Not sure where to start? Start here.

EMG has been helping property owners, architects, developers, realtors, contractors, schools, and financial institutions across southeastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey navigate federal, state and local environmental statues, codes, rules, and ordinances for more than 30 years. Reliable, customer-focused environmental consulting can bridge the gaps between compliance, environmental stewardship, and the practical constraints of time and budget. We simplified jargon and clarified options. With professional, knowledgeable service, EMG respects cost constraints, time limitations, and quality assurance.

Environmental Sampling, Delineation, and Contracting

Phase II Reports and Remediation Contracting

EMG offers a variety of Environmental Site Assessments and follow-up testing services to Phase I report recommendations. Frequently referred to as a “Phase II” Environmental Assessment, Phase II repots outline the necessary sampling, delineation, and investigation necessary to develop a complete remediation plan that includes costs and time lines . “Phase III” refers to the implementation of that plan and includes remediation, cleanup of contamination, and/or monitoring systems. Whether your site is residential, commercial , institutional, or industrial, EMG has extensive experience to compile the research, data, and testing needed to make optimal decisions.

Manifest Disposal

Need to remove excavated soil or waste from your site? EMG provides disposal testing, containerization, shipping coordination, disposal facility approval, and Certified Manifests, recycling receipts, or certificates of destruction for wastes or contaminated soils generated at your site. Whether disposal includes recycling, landfill, or thermal treatment, EMG navigates applicable regulations and logistics for proper disposal.

Mold and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Inspection, Testing, Lab Report Analysis, and Remediation Recommendations

Highly publicized and often misunderstood, mold can present unique challenges at work and home. Any significant mold growth, regardless of type, can cause health issues when an individual is exposed for a prolonged period or has underlying health challenges. Many real estate transactions now require testing and/or remediation for buildings with a history or visual evidence of water infiltration (poor drainage, floods, storm damage…). 

Asbestos Building Inspections

For building owners who desire a determination of the location, quantity and condition of their asbestos-containing materials (ACM), EMG can perform a comprehensive asbestos survey. EMG provides:

  • On-site, certified asbestos survey technician

  • Stringent sampling strategy and protocols

  • Representative bulk sample collection of the suspect ACM

  • Individually sealed, uncompromised samples for in-house or outsourced lab analysis

  • Choice of polarized light microscopy analysis (PLM), phase contract microscopy (PCM), or transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis

  • American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) Laboratory Results

  • Documentation of asbestos-containing materials’ location, quantity, appearance, and condition.

  • Comprehensive report of data collected and recommended scope of work for remediation.

  • EMG only use laboratories certified by the AIHA and NVLAP for asbestos analysis. Analytical results are typically available within 24 hours of collection, though faster results may be available.

Phase I Reports

A Phase I Environmental Assessment has been formally defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). This assessment is often used for industrial properties and may be required by a lender regardless of the type of property. A Phase I Report incorporates the anecdotal and site activities outlined in the above section together with additional requirements.  A Phase I assessment includes a review of federal, state and local regulator records to discover documented environmental action relating to the subject property or adjacent properties. Title documents must be reviewed for evidence of historical transactions that suggest a possibility of significant environmental impact.  Furthermore, it is necessary to obtain and analyze aerial photographs, fire insurance maps, geological maps (when applicable) and property site plans


Materials Identification and Testing

Not sure if it’s asbestos? EMG provides sampling services and polarized light microscopy analysis of suspect material. Microscopic laboratory analysis options of air samples include phase contract microscopy (PCM) in accordance with NIOSH Method 7400, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of air samples for a more definitive quantification of the airborne asbestos concentration. EMG Remediation Services only uses laboratories certified by the AIHA and NVLAP for asbestos analysis. Analytical results are typically available within 24 hours of collection, though faster results may be available.

Asbestos Air Tests

Monitoring and Final Clearance

Need air monitoring during abatement or final clearance  air testing? EMG provides an on-site technician to over see and document pertinent events and contractor performance. Our technicians and project managers communicate with clients in the manner and frequency a client prefers keeping all parties abreast of project status. 

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) certified-laboratory results.

Site Analysis and Results Interpretation

Environmental Recommendations, Phase 1 Reports, Laboratory Results,

Have site recommendations or sample results but need to know what to do next? We can help.

Kurt Spiess interprets what environmental challenges exists at a site and provides practical solutions to remediate them. He can translate jargon and data into useable information enabling clients to make the most prudent financial choices and limit exposure to environmental complications. Whether there is a real-estate transaction, construction project, or building renovation, understanding the facts you need, when you need them, simplifies decisions.